Inspirations From The Leonard Mill
There's something about learning about the revitalization of the Leonard Mill that struck me. It's an historical 126 year old beanery and grain elevator in nearby Leonard, MI that was once the center of commerce for local farmers. It's usefulness as a mill has long passed, but instead of tearing it down and forgetting this area's unique history, the Village of Leonard is in the process of repurposing the building as a destination on the Polly Ann Trail, a non-motorized path that winds through 30 miles of Oakland County. Check out the story for yourself here: The Leonard Mill.
I guess I was drawn to the story because I've always had this picture in my mind of Ciseal growing up into it's own place - and that place usually looks something like the Leonard Mill. It would be the perfect setting for Ciseal's modern bent plywood furniture and home goods to be made in a historic, repurposed building with all it's character and beauty. That's modern with soul quite literally, right?
I can just picture taking a morning coffee break, and stepping outside to a beautiful area like Leonard with an abundance of natural beauty and access to acres of nature right out the door. Not only would it be amazing to have an above-ground shop with natural light, but to also have a welcoming storefront where our customers can feel, hold, and test out our products. Maybe we'll even have a coffee shop where local freelancers and travelers alike can take a sneak peak at us bending plywood into useful objects on the shop floor. They sit back in one of our chairs pulled up to a local furniture maker's table that's lit by a hand blown glass pendant light. They'll sip a latte out of a local potter's handmade mug while reading their Facebook feed on their iPad that's propped up by our Ray stand. Whether it's an old repurposed mill or not, I'm just excited to see what this little business grows into.